Rest (cliche, I know...)
So, rest...
Wow, the Church is talking about it, huh? It seems like everywhere you look, there is a new article, many of them not even from Christian perspectives.
"10 ways to slow down your life" "How to be more productive by doing less" "Be still and know I am God" "How to rework your schedule to fit what truly matters" etc... etc... etc...
There is most definitely a wave of realization that our lives are climbing up up up until we crash into a whirlwind of our thoughts, emails, schedules, and things we didn't accomplish well enough. And now.... People are realizing they need rest.
People are realizing that one week at the beach isn't quite enough time to breathe life back into the 51 weeks of pure chaos they have had to trudge through.
People are realizing in America, and all around the world, that yes... maybe less really is more.
In this past chunk of life I'm in, I've learned a little about rest. What it is, what it's not, how to do it, who to do it with, why I'm doing it. Most importantly, I've learned about the different kinds of rest that I think we genuinely need in order to function properly as human beings.
1. Daily Breath 2. Weekly Sabbath 3. Seasons of Rest
It seems simple, but it's easier said than done.
Each day, to take 30 minutes to an hour to genuinely rest. Not distract yourself with social media or punch out a few more emails once you sink into your couch at home, but genuinely ponder the day. Think about what happened to you, what hurt you, what made you excited, what you wished would have happened. To breathe, and then let loose. It could be a bike ride, twirling in your kitchen, or maybe even a nap (yes-way).
More important than that, we have to take a day every week to reset, to actually PLAY. For me, it's getting lost on trails I know nothing about, sometimes risking feeling lonely. It's so important to take a bigger section of time, a half or full day, to do what sets your heart on fire, what gives your soul life- even if that's just lounging outside letting the sunshine soak deep into your pores.
Okay here we go.... SEASONS. OF. REST. Y'all this is hard. I can say that, because I'm in one. I'm not talking like "woo-hoo week long vacation!" I'm talking like an extended period of time where you allow God to reset you.
You ask Him to redefine your identity. You ask Him to refocus your passions. You ask Him to renew the vision He's put on your life.
How often this needs to happen is relative, but it needs to happen. I've never had a season quite like the one I'm in. Coming out of a year split right down the middle with work and travel, I was exhausted.
I didn't want to admit it because I was having such a glorious time, but my mind, spirit, and body were beginning to give out on me.
All the while, I was living with the terror of, "What will I do if I finally go home and have nothing to do next?" Our culture feeds on this fear. God forbid you don't have a plan, you don't have the next 20 years of your life lined perfectly up, with a foolproof plan B to back it up. We're all feeding this fear for the people around us, but the truth is, we're all living inside it too.
Well, it happened. I got home, had nothing. No job, no plan, barely any money. Thankfully, I could move back in with my parents. (another one of my great fears is living at home forever, so just know that) At first, I slipped into full panic until I heard the Lord say, "Rest." I can't explain it, but I just knew it needed to be for awhile.
So for almost 3 months, I have done essentially nothing. But at the same time, it freed me to do the things my soul needed.
I rode horses, I had hours of time to read and journal and listen to the voice of my Savior. I could sleep in and not be weighed by guilt when I woke up, I could linger at the dinner table with my Mom and soak up her wisdom.
It's been hard. I have had to fight to not live with the anxiety of "Do people think I'm lazy?", and many times I've lost. I find myself searching for things to put on a to-do list so that I feel like I've accomplished something at the end of the day.
I've realized I only take the rest I think I deserve.
Which is direct rejection of God's command for us to "rest" periodically, regardless of what we've accomplished.
This week, as I've been looking for jobs with a fresh and healthy perspective, I got sick. And I rarely get sick. I was frustrated with the Lord after 3 days of not feeling any healthier, when I finally sat down with Him to listen.
"It's time to work now. I needed you to experience true rest before I sent you. Madeline, sit with me. Let the sun set, let the day go by and just sit. You have not truly done this but ONE day until now. Three days with me. Resting, it's what I wanted. Three days you fasted and sought me, three days you rested and sat with me. Now it's time to work, I know you are ready, but I want you to stay right here until it's time. You'll know. Thank you for obeying, for trusting. Those two go so close together. Don't put me in the box of time, just walk with me. Do as I say and let everything else go- whether they'll think you are lazy, whether they'll deem my calling for you as "good enough" It's your calling. It's from me. All that matters is that you trust and obey. I don't care if you're not perfectly fearless and brave, I care that you obey anyway. So, sit. Wait this day out, all the way through. Sit and talk with me, I am the reason for your existence. You belong in My Presence. You belong in that you are accepted here. But even more, you belong in that this is where your purpose and life are at their fullest. Here, with me. Nothing could be more important than My voice. Learn it, hear it, let it soak into who you are. You will need to know the distinction of my voice in this next phase of life as so many voices are coming at you. I have been teaching you in this time to hear it and recognize it. You know my voice. You have discernment. You are ready for what is next. But before you go, soak up today. Soak up these moments of rest with me. Sitting, unconcerned that you're not accomplishing anything. These are the moments your brain can finally stop frizzling around trying to find something to "do" so that you feel accomplished when you go to sleep. These are the moments you can truly listen. When you don't have a time limit or a to-do list. All you have is the trust that time with me is most important. That I hold your days. That I hold the sun, the time, your list, your relationships, and that I know what you need.
Trust me. Trust me. Trust me.
All I want to do is love you."
Endless Love,
This is how "rest" looked today.