i can’t describe this summer strain other than
the pace of my soaring and plummeting doesn’t seem to match the world sauntering around me in this heat.
complete uncertainty of what each day holds
the constant choice to sink deep into a moment or remain on the surface for fear of more uncertainty.
will it last? it won’t.
too fluid, too shapeless, this summer.
i realize suddenly and grasp,
only to recognize it’s already shifted.
and yet it seems to move in slow motion.
constantly changing and yet nothing is sudden
figures with roller bags on their way somewhere that makes winter worth living through.
a drop of sweat down creeps down the back of my leg.
a pace immeasurable.
we sip slower and need less.
for 3 months, we shine.
smirk at each other and whisper about ice cream cravings and time by the sea.
for 3 months, pale skin hints pink.
shoulders that have begged to be loosed relax and exhale.
pedal slower.
talk slower.
we coexist
even as we melt